Thursday 12 August 2021


On a sunny Thursday morning me and room 20 went to the hall to play a game.The rules were there would be a pare of two and the pair would have a balloon.The pair would have to throw the balloon but they have to hold hands but when the game would start you would have to keep the balloon in the air and use all your body parts including your legs.There was three rules,the first rule was to hold hands at all times, the second rule is to keep the balloon in the air and the last rule is to always have fun.When we got to the hall we had a warm up game to wait for the balloons to be finished.when the balloons were finished we started to play the game,but first we had to pick our partners,I picked my friend hunter,and when the game started.Me and hunter started hitting the balloon into the air and started mostly hitting the balloon with our heads but we started to get the ball closer to the ground and that's when we started kicking the balloon but we lost the round with another team still standing.The next round started and me and hunter started hitting the ball with our hands,legs and our head but with our skills me and hunter won but the other team won to.We ended by going into a line and going back to class.

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