Tuesday 28 December 2021

The Water Cycle

The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth in different states.Water can be found all over Earth in the ocean, on land and in the atmosphere. The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around our planet.

Text Graphic

Monday 27 December 2021

Wednesday 22 December 2021



Cicadas Life Cycle

 A male and Female Cicada Mate.After they mate the Female Cicada will make a egg.The egg will hatch and a nypmh will come out and will start burrowing into the ground.After a few years when the nymph has formed it will come back out.It finds another Cicada and mate and then repeats the same thing all over again.

My future

 When I am 18 I would have a girlfriend and I would be going to university.

When I am 27 I would have a baby and I would have a job.

When I am 41 I would have grandchildren and my son would be over 10 years old.

When I am 62 I would have retired from my job and will start becoming very ill.

When I am 85 I would have passed away.

When I am 17, 34, 51, 68, 85


Friday 10 December 2021

Junior Prizegiving 2021!

 Yesterday I went to the junior prizegiving of 2021.I got 3rd place for academic and I was shy because the seniors were there too!After I went off the stage I went to someone to take a photo of me.I did the dance and after that we sang the Strive to succeed song.After we sang Mr Burt said bye and we went back to our classes.

Thursday 9 December 2021

Minecraft GingerBread House!

 Today I went on Minecraft and made a gingerbread house to celebrate Christmas.I used the color red, white and brown.I put some snow around and put some furniture inside the gingerbread house.I put some glass roofs because I thought it looked nice.I put stairs for the roof and it was a combination of spruce stairs and oak stairs.I used quartz stairs for the frosting.I added some lanterns and put some candy canes around the ginger bread house.I had a great Idea to put beacons infront of the house that go under the ground and put red and white glass above it and then I took some screenshots.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Empathy Village

Today we played Minecraft, we joined a server called Empathy Village.We were learning about Empathy and it means you can feel what a person is feeling.We wrote signs because we were asked questions and we had to pick 6 questions.I designed my house like a mansion because I thought it looked modern.We got to look at other people's houses and looked at there questions.I decorated the inside with furniture and when I finished I took screenshots of the inside and the outside.


Monday 15 November 2021

Friday 12 November 2021

Going Back To School!

 I am exited to go back to school because I can finally go outside and play with my friends.I would rather go to normal school than stay home and do it there.Would you rather go to school or stay home and do school there.

The Cabin Season 2 Part 5 I hope you like this


Monday 20 September 2021

Dangerous Jobs

 If I had a dangerous job it would be to become a cop because I would like to save people but if I choose this job I could die because sometimes there could be shootouts and I can die.

2 player scratch game!

 Press the green flag to start and use the w and s keys for the right side and the up and down arrow keys for the left side!

Scratch target practice!!!

 Press space to shoot the target and get one point each time.


Thursday 12 August 2021

Sentence Structure - AC of Cause - The Sun - W3 - Wed



On a sunny Thursday morning me and room 20 went to the hall to play a game.The rules were there would be a pare of two and the pair would have a balloon.The pair would have to throw the balloon but they have to hold hands but when the game would start you would have to keep the balloon in the air and use all your body parts including your legs.There was three rules,the first rule was to hold hands at all times, the second rule is to keep the balloon in the air and the last rule is to always have fun.When we got to the hall we had a warm up game to wait for the balloons to be finished.when the balloons were finished we started to play the game,but first we had to pick our partners,I picked my friend hunter,and when the game started.Me and hunter started hitting the balloon into the air and started mostly hitting the balloon with our heads but we started to get the ball closer to the ground and that's when we started kicking the balloon but we lost the round with another team still standing.The next round started and me and hunter started hitting the ball with our hands,legs and our head but with our skills me and hunter won but the other team won to.We ended by going into a line and going back to class.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Cybersmart with Mrs Grant

Hi today Mrs Grant came and gave us a challenge,the challenge was how long it would take for us to do these bookmarks.