Tuesday, 28 December 2021

The Water Cycle

The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth in different states.Water can be found all over Earth in the ocean, on land and in the atmosphere. The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around our planet.

1 comment:

  1. Ata mārie Jaxson!

    Chris here from the SLJ, again. Ka pai on completing the Water Cycle task! Did you enjoy it? You’re right about water being able to be found all over Earth, in the ocean, on land, and in the atmosphere. Maybe you could tell us the different stages that water goes through between all of these places? Or maybe even WHY water does this?

    Our planets relationship with water is so important, so I’m glad everyone in the Summer Learning Journey is getting the chance to learn about it. Did you know much about the water cycle path before this activity?

    Can’t wait to see what you post next!

    Ngā mihi,


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